We all know that downloading files from Usenet network is not free. You need a premium account to get all advantages like high-speed downloading, SSL encryption etc. There exists a possibility to use a public server and download files from it but the choise of binary files on such servers is very poor. So we found two services where you get some free downloads.
1. Free Account on XSUsenet
XSUsenet is a Usenet provider from Sweden that offers access to Usenet network since 2009. The company affiliates with secured downloading though 2048-Bit SSL encryption that would help to stay anonymously while transferring data from their servers. In 2011 the provider was recommended as best „Usenet Access Provider“ by the largest computer magazine Computer Totaal and in 2012 by the magazine PC Welt.
XSUsenet is the first provider that offers free Usenet lifetime package. After free registration you will get unlimited access to binary newsgroups. The account has some restrictions: the download speed is limited to 1 Mbit and maximum of two connections, SSL encryption and posting is not allowed, and the data retention is restricted to 10 days. This is surely understandable, cause the provider has to pay for traffic users download to big back-end providers. On the other side it’s a perfect solution for whose, who would like to test Usenet and download some files for free.
2. Install free Usenet client from GetNZB
GetNZB is another one provider that offers free downloading from Usenet. The Germany based IT-company offers an all-in-one Newsreader for Windows that has integrated access to the servers. The trial is limited to 1 GB, means that you will be able to download 1 GB of data with high-speed for free. After you’ve used the trial traffic the speed will be limited to 64 Kb/s but is available for lifetime use. If you just wish to download some smaller files like music tracks or albums, smaller videos or ebooks then GetNZB is a perfect free solution for you. Free accounts has integrated SSL encryption, you get access to more then 20,000 binary newsgroups and the retention is not limited on free accounts.
There are not many Usenet providers over there which offer free lifetime Usenet access, but the mentioned two are rather good to start with.